Day Relief Teacher

Applications close: 3 months from now - 8/08/2024.

If you are a Day Reliever we need you now, please.

We are happy to work around your other commitments.

You will be supported by a great Day Relief Manager.

Thank you for considering to being a Day Reliever at Fraser High School.

Please attach your CV to your application.

Apply Now

Please start typing your address and select from the list
Street *
Suburb *
City *
Region *
Post Code *
Country *
Work Phone
Home Phone
Mobile Phone

Teacher Registration

Required for teacher positions only

Identity Verification, Criminal Record and Right to Work

Immigration information

(A board may not employ or engage a children's worker who has been convicted of an offense specified in Schedule 2 of the vulnerable Children Act 2014. The clean Slate Act does not apply to schedule 2 offenses.)

Attendance Record

Educational Qualifications

Work History

Please list your work experience for the last five years beginning with your most recent position. Please explain any gaps in the employment. If you were self-employed, give details. Attach additional sheets if necessary.


Please list TWO Employment referees whom we may contact for a personal reference.

Please ensure you have completed all required questions marked with an asterisk to apply.

You will receive a successful notification if you have applied correctly.

If you have not received this message, kindly review the questions and resubmit your application